General Terms and Conditions
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Optigrün international AG
Am Birkenstock 19
D-72505 Krauchenwies-Göggingen
Phone: +49(0) 7576 - 772 - 0
Fax: +49(0) 7576 - 772 - 299
Managing Director
Dipl.-Kfm. Uwe Harzmann
Chairwoman of the Supervisory Board
Dipl.-Kff. Susanne Deis
Amtsgericht Ulm HRB 711009
USt.-Id-Nr. DE 812 843 745
Text and Photos:
Optigrün international AG
Design and Implementation:
Atelier für Mediengestaltung
Legal Information: Optigrün international AG takes no liability for the correctness and completeness of the given information; they do not determine the specifications of products of Optigrün international AG. The user of the website takes full responsibility for all risks that might stem from using this website and the pages contained therein. Optigrün international AG is not to be held responsible for any damages that might have been caused by the usage or existence of the website and the contained information, downloads, etc. Additions and changes to the website by Optigrün international AG are possible at all times. The user of the website is fully responsible for all information that he sends to Optigrün international AG and is responsible that rights of others are not violated. The content of the website of Optigrün international AG is copyrighted material. Copyright violations and other rights violations lead to obligation of compensation of damages. The reproduction or modification of content (no matter what form or length) is not allowed without the permission of Optigrün international AG. In case additional content is made available through links, Optigrün international AG is not to be held responsible for the content since the content will not be checked. Important Information about Links on this Website: With the verdict from September 12 1999 - 312 O 85/99 - "Haftung für Links" Landgericht Hamburg decided that through placing links one might be held responsible for the content of the links unless the one that placed the links distances himself from the content of the links. Hereby we distance ourselves from all content made available through links and do not call them our own but that of others. Any violations of current law, ethics or morals within the placed links, which are reported to us, will lead to the removal of the links.